Meet Our Specialists



ECP10Our music program is designed to introduce young children to the joys of music while fostering their cognitive, emotional, and social development. Through engaging activities such as singing, dancing, clapping, and playing simple instruments, children learn about rhythm, melody, and sound.  Our instructors, Dolores Jiji, Shara Yolkut and Itamar Gov-Ari engage our children with guitars, keyboards, percussion instruments and stories and song. 


 Israeli Dance & Movement

ECP5Shmulik Gov-Ari is a trained dancer and choreographer. His warm and enthusiastic directions combined with his energetic Jewish folk music naturally encourage the children to follow his dance steps. Shmulik has choreographed more than 300 dances which tell the story of Israel as well as stories of Jewish life.  The children love to beat their own set of bongo drums, matching rhythms with Shmulik.

Torah Alive


Our Torah Alive! program is led by Julie Rabinowitz, a longtime teacher in our ECP. Through storytelling, puppetry and costumed acting, Julie brings stories from the book of Genesis – from Creation through The Ten Commandments – to life. Each week, our children are introduced to the characters and stories and values that are central to our Jewish tradition. Julie shares her love of Torah and community with our children and inspires the youngest members of our community as they begin their own spiritual and Jewish journeys.

Seven Species Cooking 

 Using our five senses is so important in all early education.  Our seven species cooking class, run by teacher Andrea Rosenberg, a licensed registered dietitian, does just that.  Each child at the ECP gets a chance to touch, taste, see, smell and hear during this one-of-a-kind program.  At seven different times during the school year every child has a chance to learn about and cook with foods that the Torah tells us were growing in Israel at certain times.  Not only is a connection to Israel being fostered, but we discuss where the foods are grown and how they can help our bodies.  The children also learn different fancy cooking terms and how to use various cooking equipment and techniques during each class. The end result is a bunch of new tasting experiences with a hand-colored recipe book for each child and their family to treasure.

Weinberg Nature Center

Weinberg Nature Center is an engaging educational experience designed to introduce young children to the beauty and diversity of wildlife through the integration of visiting animals from the Weinberg nature center. The program aims to foster a sense of wonder, curiosity, and respect for the natural world while providing hands-on learning opportunities.

Teva Program

ECP9As nature surrounds the ECP at Kol Ami from every direction, our Teva Program specialist Candice Moscoe-Polner takes our children out to explore the wonder of our beautiful grounds. Using their five senses the children will observe, collect and discover things that inspire creativity in every shape and form. Candice loves combining nature, art and Jewish learning with children of all ages and has been doing it for many years. As one of the parent founders of our ECP Gardens, and a Green Team creator at her son’s elementary school, Candice will guide the children to create art from nature. She has learned that when children have the opportunity to experience all that the natural world has to offer they have a greater sense of Tikkun Olam (repairing the world).


KIDding Around Yoga with Jen gets everyone moving. Our class, taught by teacher Jen Benalt, is filled with yoga games and mindful movement activities. We bend, stretch, sing, and use our imagination.  This playful yoga class strengthens body awareness, enhances listening and self-regulation skills, explores kindness and how to find our “calm.”

Happy Feet 

HappyFIT Multi-Sport Fitness & Fun introduces children to a range of exuberant sports with exciting, warm and super-friendly coaches.  This action-packed program includes Hooray  for Hoops Basketball, Gaga, Balance & Agility Bonanza, Run for Fun Track & Field and more. Children build their gross motor skills and overall strength and fitness in an upbeat learning environment. 

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