Caring For Our Community
Kol Ami is a caring community. We celebrate and acknowledge the happy occasions in the lives of our members and offer support during times of sadness, illness and stress. Please contact the Temple office, Rabbi Fenster or Cantor Danny if you or someone you know is in need of the support of our congregation. We also love to hear good news; let us know of a happy event occurring in your family so we can include it in This Week At Kol Ami!
Mi Shaberah List/ Prayer for Healing
If you would like your name, the name of a family member or the name of a friend read during the prayer of healing during the Shabbat Evening service, please notify the Temple office.
Hospital Visitation
Our Clergy would like to visit you in the hospital or call on you if you are ill but we need to hear that news from you or a family member. Due to privacy laws now enacted by health care providers, clergy are not notified of the hospitalization of a congregant unless you specifically request that your clergy be notified. Please tell the Rabbis or Temple office of a hospitalization so we can provide support to you during difficult times.
Yahrtzeit List/ Memorial Prayer
Names of loved ones are read prior to the Kaddish prayer on Friday evening to remember their passing. Contact the Temple office or Rabbis with the name(s) of those you would like remembered. Names will be read every year on the Hebrew Calendar anniversary and during Yiskor services on Yom Kippur. Non -Jewish relatives’ names may also be read.