
We Welcome You!

Meet Our Clergy

Rabbi Jason Fenster

Senior Rabbi
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Cantor Danny Mendelson

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Rabbi Libby Fisher

Associate Rabbi
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Leah Sherin

Rabbinic Intern
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Shabbat At-A-Glance

Kabbalat Shabbat
A service in song for all ages

In person & Livestream@6:15pm

Synaplex Shabbat
Monthly services with guest speakers, catered dinner, and teen programing

Tot Shabbat
A service in story and song for families with young children
9:00-10:30am Every 3rd. Saturday morning
For more details contact our Young Families Ambassador

Saturday Morning Services
Coffee & community, Torah study, Shabbat services
9:30am Shabbat Torah Study 

11:00am Shabbat Lift Services

Check This Week @Kol Ami for updates.

Whatever Your Jewish You Will Find It Here

We at Congregation Kol Ami are committed to being an open tent – a place that welcomes all who wish to be part of Jewish community – because we believe that our community is not whole unless everyone experiences a sense of belonging. We encourage participation from all who seek a connection to Jewish life and who want to be part of our sacred community, regardless of religious background, race, ethnicity, gender, ableness, socioeconomic status, political affiliation, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity

Learn more about us, including our activities, our Religious School and Early Childhood Program, and become part of our community.

Kol Ami is a caring community. We celebrate and acknowledge the happy occasions in the lives of our
members and offer support during times of sadness, illness and stress. Please contact our main office or any of our clergy if you or someone you know is in need of the support of our congregation. We also love to hear good news; let us know of a happy event occurring in your family so we can include it in This Week At Kol Ami!

Early Childhood Program

Religious School

Programs For Families
With Young Children

KASA – Kol Ami Staying Active

Celebrate Your Event With Us

Support Kol Ami 


From the Union For Reform Judaism / Reform Movement

Seven Jewish Comedians Sparking Joy

Seven Jewish Comedians Sparking Joy jemerman

Here are just a few modern-day female and genderqueer badkhens who have broken the mold as they share their own brand of Jewish joy with the world.

Visualizing Audacious Biblical Women for Our Times

Visualizing Audacious Biblical Women for Our Times jemerman

When invited to create work for the Jerusalem Biennale (an international art exhibition held every two years in Jerusalem) last year, artist Archie Rand decided to depict "a grouping of Jewish heroes who are women, appearing in an underreported story that should have a painted monument sampling the collective."

Prepping for Passover: A Resource Roundup for a Satisfying Seder

Prepping for Passover: A Resource Roundup for a Satisfying Seder jemerman

Passover is soon approaching! Below are some of our favorite Passover resources, selected to help your seder preparations go more smoothly.

Good Jewish Girl

Good Jewish Girl jemerman

I am a "good Jewish girl," curly hair, nice teeth, and loves wearing gold. A "good Jewish girl," who keeps a Star of David around her neck on the silver chain her mom bought her.

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